

Welcome to Five Tribes Therapy!


Please take a look around my website and if you have any comments or questions, please contact me, either by telephone or email. Also, as something of a techno-geek, I have a web presence that includes a Facebook Business page, a LinkedIn page, a listing in Psychology Today, and Instagram. While these sites are designed to overlap in various ways, each can offer a fresh perspective to a potential client.


Indigenous American Culture

Healthy Mind/Body/Spirit


ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy)

I understand that starting the therapeutic process can be a daunting prospect and I applaud you for taking this first step.

Finding the perfect fit with a psychotherapist can be challenging but rewarding at the same time. There are certainly many clinicians to chose from, of all ages, stages, walks of life, genders, and specialties, etc. A good rule of thumb is to give yourself a chance to find a good fit, utilizing a “give it three times” concept. I look forward to the prospect of meeting with you and accompanying you on a journey of personal growth and achievement.




Five Tribes Therapy and Me – Part 3

Five Tribes Therapy and Me – Part 3

When I was 26, I moved to San Diego, CA. It was the 80s - shoulder pads, hair bands, spandex, permed hair (the higher the better!) - and I was having a GREAT time! I worked at various places, made new friends, and found myself really enjoying the “bright lights, big...

Five Tribes Therapy and Me – Part 2

Five Tribes Therapy and Me – Part 2

In the 1960s and 1970s, Kansas, a state that derived its name from Indigenous Americans (the Kansa, or Kaw, of eastern Kansas and Oklahoma), was a predominantly mono-cultural place. The small town in western Kansas where I was raised was much the same. There were no...

Five Tribes Therapy and Me – Part 1

Five Tribes Therapy and Me – Part 1

On June 15, 2023, The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 was affirmed by the Supreme Court of the United States, with a 7-2 vote. Being a “pre-ICWA baby,” born some years before ICWA was established in Congress, this was a very emotional and impactful day for me. As the...


Therapeutic Approach

I utilize an Eclectic Therapeutic approach as I have found, over the years, that “bits and pieces” of various therapeutic theory resonates more clearly with me, and, subsequently, with my clients.


As a therapist myself, I was intrigued by the use of EMDR. Being a parent of a tween, my buttons are getting pushed on a regular basis and my frustration was increasing. My triggers were getting the way of doing what I know is best for my child. Leslie’s style is supportive, encouraging and non-judgmental,

- K.K.

Leslie Campbell is a terrific therapist. She is very compassionate and sensitive to others’ needs, and goes above and beyond the call of duty to help her clients. She visited me when I was in the hospital, and met with my mom and I when we were applying for benefits at the Social Security office.

- K.W.

After 20 years of struggling with mental issues, my daughter found Leslie Campbell. As was not the case with a parade of others, Leslie cared enough to earn my daughter’s trust and finally, and most importantly, correctly diagnosed her. With proper medication she is so much better. With a depth of understanding borne of many 

- C.W.

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